I first learned about She Reads Truth (and He Reads Truth) in January of 2020. After a very busy 2019, I was done making excuses for my lack of time in God’s word. She Reads Truth helped me become more intentional with my walk with God.
What Is She Reads Truth?
She Reads Truth is a series of Bible reading plans available in three different formats: online, app, and study book. The focus is on direct connection to God’s word. Related devotionals are secondary.
We create beautiful, accessible Bible reading plans and resources, using old and new technology, for women and men worldwide to grow in biblical literacy and affection for God and His Word.
She Reads Truth Reading Plans
Each She Reads Truth reading plan begins on a Monday. The reading plan for the current study is released on a daily basis. All past reading plans are also available on the website. You can decide whether to jump into the current study, wait for the next study to begin, or advance through past studies at your pace.
Reading Plan Format
Daily Readings
There are five daily readings per week designed for a Monday through Friday schedule. These usually include a main Bible passage from the current study and one or more related scriptures. The daily scripture reading is available online, in the app, and in the study books. Because the corresponding devotionals are secondary, they are only available online and in the app.
Grace Day
Saturday is a grace day with a single scripture verse. Readers are encouraged to pray, rest, reflect on that week’s reading, and give thanks. I appreciate that the weekend reading plan differs from the weekdays.
Weekly Truth
Sunday is set aside to memorize the weekly truth, a scripture verse that highlights the readings from that week. You can save an image of the weekly truth as a lock screen for your phone from both the website and the app.
Optional Devotionals
Each daily reading includes a devotional. The devotionals are secondary to the Bible reading. To me this is very refreshing. I chose She Reads Truth over other potential devotionals because I needed my focus to be on the divine truth of God’s word rather than an interpretation or insight drawn from that truth.
While reading the Lenten Study of Jeremiah, I was impressed that some of the devotionals mentioned recent events like the tornadoes in Nashville and the current COVID-19 quarantine. Keeping the devotionals digital appears to help them be more relevant for the times. The devotionals do not have to be ready months in advance when the study books are printed.
Reading Plan Options
She Reads Truth provides several options to access the reading plans. The online version is free. The app and study books are paid.
The Website
All She Reads Truth reading plans are available for free on the website. They range in length from one week to several weeks. The current plan releases on a daily basis. Past plans are available in full.
The App
The She Reads Truth app is available in both the App Store and Google Play Store. Although the app is free to download, you are required to pay for the reading plans.
When I decided to try She Reads Truth, I purchased the reading plan for the Genesis study in the app for two dollars. I hoped that the minor cost of the reading plan would keep me accountable to follow through with the five-week study, and it did. But I didn’t enjoy reading the Bible passages on my phone. I often raced through the scriptures to get to the devotionals.
Study Books
From the start I knew I wanted to try the study books. Even before I began the Genesis study on the app, I decided to commit to a three-month subscription to She Reads Truth. Again, I was hoping that a monetary commitment would help me form a new habit of staying in God’s word daily. Note that you can also purchase the books individually.
How the Study Books Elevate the She Reads Truth App and Website
The study books elevate She Reads Truth to a whole new level. Each one includes journaling space, background information, and other tools like timelines to gain a deeper understanding. There are also fun extras like vibrant photos and artwork, hymns, and recipes that vary from book to book.
Study Book Extras
Each study book is similar in that it follows the same format with a 5-day reading plan, a grace day, and the weekly truth. Besides having different photo/art layouts and typography, each book also differs with the types of extras it includes.
Insights from Scripture
For the Record & Scripture Memory Cards
All study books end with two things: a page called “For the Record” and scripture memory cards. In “For the Record” you can jot down notes about what you learned and where and when you studied. It also has space for what was happening in your life and in the world. The quarantine gave me new appreciation for recording the state of my life and the world at the time of the study. The scripture memory cards correspond to the weekly truths and are printed on detachable card stock so that you can carry them with you throughout the week.
Devotionals Not Included
The glaring omission in the study books is that the devotionals aren’t included. Once again I appreciate that She Reads Truth focuses on helping me connect directly with God’s word. I still read the devotional via the app most days, but it’s no longer the main event during my Bible study.
Study Book Ordering Options
Individual Study Books
You can purchase study books individually without a subscription. Many of the past studies are also available. She Reads Truth has sales on a regular basis, so if this interests you, join their email list to stay informed.
She Reads Truth has two subscriptions options for study books: monthly and yearly. I began with the monthly subscription option as I didn’t have the funds set aside for the yearly subscription. I also didn’t know if I would stick with the study books that long and wasn’t ready for such a long-term commitment. Note that the monthly subscription requires a three-month commitment as detailed on the subscription FAQ. In April I decided to switch to the yearly subscription as that includes free shipping – a savings of about $5 per month.
The subscriptions are designed so that you always have your study books in advance of the time that study starts. Because some studies are short (e.g., two weeks), a subscription box will occasionally include two study books. When this happens, the price of the subscription does not increase.
- January Subscription Box
- Philippians | 2-week study | February 10, 2020
- February Subscription Box
- His Love Endures: A Lenten Study of Jeremiah | 7-week study | February 24, 2020
- March Subscription Box
- This Is Love: 1, 2, & 3 John | 2-week study |April 13, 2020
- April Subscription Box (two study books)
- Promises of God | 3-week study | April 27, 2020
- Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun | 3-week study | May 18, 2020
The She Reads Truth subscription box also includes complimentary access to all plans on the She Reads Truth app. When you sign up for the subscription box, you will receive a code to enter into the app. Within the app you still “buy” each reading plan, but because you are a subscriber, it won’t cost you anything.
Plans for Him
Since 2015 each She Reads Truth study book has a corresponding He Reads Truth legacy book. Although the books include the same scripture, they are different sizes and have a different look and feel. They also have two different sets of devotionals and apps. My husband is currently trying out the legacy book for “This is Love: 1, 2, & 3 John” to see if he likes this kind of Bible study.
She Reads Truth focuses on connecting you directly to God’s word. The corresponding devotionals are secondary but worthwhile. Although the online reading plans are free, the study books elevate the experience.
She Reads Truth has been a game changer in my walk with God. Whereas I used to wonder where to start when I read my Bible, the She Reads Truth reading plans guide me on my journey. I now look forward to digging deeper into God’s word and meditating on it as I go about my day.